Proper Planning for Your Basement Finishing Project in Dayton, Ohio.

Getting Your Basement Started off on the Right Foot!

The first step to any great basement finish or remodeling project is merging the perfect design, existing conditions, and your ideal budget together creating the best case scenario for you moving forward.


Hiring a skilled knowledgeable contractor to assist you in achieving this goal can save you both time and money. A good contractor has the experience and team at his disposal to make your project a success. Utilizing specialized tradesmen Ohio Home Doctor can typically complete your basement finish in 4-6 weeks. Ohio Home Doctor uses our experience to efficiently organize and manage day to day operations eliminating guess work.


Depending on your budget there are a few ways to proceed to attain the results you desire. For projects under $25,000 it is typically best for the design work to be completed by Ohio Home Doctor’s skilled in house basement designer. This eliminates architects and engineering fees which are sometimes burdensome when budget is a primary focus. When planning basement renovations exceeding $25,000 often times it can be helpful to enlist the service of an architect, designer, or both to hone your wishes into the elegant functional space your are looking for. Ohio Home Doctor has developed relationships with some of Dayton’s finest designers and architects and we are happy to refer you to a design team which fits your desires, vision, and budget.


No matter what your basement finishing needs are do yourself a favor and call Ohio Home Doctor at (937)605-6882 today to schedule a time to receive a free in home initial consultation to see if our company is a good fit for you and your project. Remember proper prior planning prevents poor performance



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