Custom Deck Design and Build in Cincinnati
There is simply no substitute for an afternoon or early evening spent with family and friends on the back deck enjoying the beautiful Cincinnati summer weather.
Decks are often the space that mends the interior and exterior of your home. Decks come in many shapes and sizes but the purpose for building or rebuilding a deck remains fairly constant; to provide a space to entertain and relish your time with you family. That being said building not only and attractive but also very safe deck should be the main objective when planning your project.

As for decking materials there have never been more options. From your standard treated lumber to exotic redwoods such as cedar and IPE’s, from Trex Transcends to Fiberon composite decking, there is a decking material to meet every budget and even the most discerning tastes.
Every decking material has it’s pro’s and con’s and what may work best for your situation won’t work well for someone else. Ohio Home Doctor deck building experts can discuss this with you at your custom deck consulation.
Your Deck Framing
Deck framing until recently only provided one option in Ohio; treated lumber. While the quality of treated material available to us in this part of the country far surpasses that of neighboring markets due to availability and our proximity to national lumber suppliers. There is also a new option creeping into our market and that is galvanized steel deck framing. Ohio Home Doctor is the only deck builder in the area offering custom decks build out of steel framing.
While the cost to include steel framing into your deck build is about double that of a wood structure the benefits are many especially if maintenance free all composite is the road you are taking. The largest advantage is galvanized steel joists are perfectly straight. With composite decking being so precise finding lumber which is straight enough to match the perfection is almost impossible.
What is impossible is building a wood structure which remains perfectly flat with wood, due to warping and woods susceptibility to moisture intrusion. The deck we build you for now, may not look the same in 5 years time as the ground settles and the lumber ages. With steel deck framing you receive a perfectly flat deck which remains just that, perfectly flat.
There is nothing wrong with building a wooden deck with composite decking but if your tastes and budget dictate perfection you may want to consider including galvanized steel into you plan. Not only are the results amazing but you will be the only one on the block with the latest and great in decking technology.
Deck builders have been using steel deck frames in harsh climates in the mountains out west and we are proud to bring this technique to your neighborhood first!
If you are rebuilding onto an existing deck analyzing the existing footers is essential. If you are building an entirely new deck selecting a contractor who is aware of not only what will pass but more importantly the best case approach is essential. Unfortunately local deck building codes in Ohio are lax when compared to other areas of the country. This is the main reason for such a large number of failing deck structures built during the original construction of our neighborhood’s homes. Ohio Home Doctor builds not just what will pass, but what will last!
Your Deck Railings
Now for the fun; railings! The choices for railings have never been larger. It wasn’t long ago that there were only a few companies in the market and your options were basically wood or ugly plastic composites. Now there are companies like Fortress Iron Rails and Fiberon who have stepped up their game and are offering some outstanding options.
It is best to pick a decking material you are comfortable with and then find rails that go with your selected material. Even if treated wood is the decking material of choice adding a composite or galvanized iron rail system to your build will not only increase its aesthetic appeal but also drastically decrease the amount of maintenance required to keep you deck looking as good as the day we installed it.
Ohio Home Doctor is one of Cincinnati’s premier deck builders and has factory trained knowledgeable installers on staff and ready to build the deck of your dreams. With such a large selection of products all with unique installation guidelines make sure you hire a deck specialist not just a guy who built one down the road. Let us know how we can help get you the deck you have always wanted!